
Step by Step Guide For Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) in Kenya

Application For ETA entry in Kenya


To boost tourism, the Kenyan Government sought to ease the tourist’s entry by replacing the VISA requirements with the Electronic Travel Authorization.

Note: The ETA is a single-entry authorization permit.

Here’s the step-by-step guideline that you or any other person including infants will be required to follow while planning to travel to Kenya, first visit then you will be required to submit the following information:

  • The passport must be valid for at least six (6) months prior to your planned arrival date in Kenya.
  • The passport should have at least one (1) blank page for customs endorsement upon entry.
  • A clear Selfie photo on a white background.
  • Valid personal contact information; phone number, Email address, Residence address.
  • The arrival and departure itinerary should be detailed in the application.
  • Hotel and accommodation confirmations should be attached to the application.
  • M-pesa, Credit cards, debit cards, Apple Pay, or other means of payment are accepted.

Health Requirements

Kenya has standard health protocols that should be adhered to before traveling, you should have proof of the following vaccinations:

  • Yellow Fever vaccination certificate, depending on your country of origin.

In conclusion, the ETA is a step forward in promoting tourism and eases the burden of having to queue in embassies awaiting authorization. The process takes up to 3 working days for approval, you can check the status of your application from the official website.

Feel free to consult our Tour Consultants for any clarification or assistance with this new process.

Email us or Call us or reach us via WhatsApp.


The Great Wildebeest Migration

The Great Wildebeest Migration is one of the seven natural wonders of Africa, an annual event that can only be described as a real-life National Geographic documentary. It has been written about, filmed and talked about for decades and is legendary across the world.

The migration is a natural phenomenon, taking place every year over many months across the vast plains of the Serengeti in Tanzania and the Masai Mara in Kenya. The spectacular journey begins when herds of wildebeest, zebra and Thomson’s gazelle migrate from their summer grazing grounds to their winter calving grounds, where they form into huge herds known as ‘migrations’—the largest animal migration on earth.

Each year more than 1.5 million wildebeest, zebra and Thomson’s gazelle migrate in search of fresh grazing grounds and water. The spectacular Journey takes place over many months across the vast plains of the Serengeti in Tanzania and the Masai Mara in Kenya.

When you see these incredible animals on your travels around Africa it will be hard not to feel inspired by how much these creatures have given up for us!

The migration is an annual event that occurs over many months. It’s a natural wonder, as it takes place in the Serengeti and Masai Mara wildlife reserves. The wildebeest migrate northward along with thousands of Grant’s gazelles and Thomson’s gazelles. The migration ends when they reach their summer grazing range in southern Kenya where they breed during April and May.

The migration is a lifetime experience for anyone who wants to see this amazing sight!

wildebeest crossing the Mara River
Mara River crossing

In June, more than 500,000 calves are born within a few weeks giving rise to scenes of great excitement as predators take advantage of the abundance of food. In July, the herds begin their trek eastward towards Ngorongoro Crater where they will remain until October when they begin their journey towards southern Masai Mara.

The Wildebeest Migration is an annual event in East Africa that takes place during summertime when grasses on the plains recede and shrubs become available for grazing by wildebeests and zebra alike.


The Wildebeest Migration is an event that fascinates people all over the world. This migration has been described as ‘one of the seven natural wonders of Africa’ and something that can only be experienced firsthand by those who visit this land of great beauty. It has been written about, filmed and talked about for decades and is legendary across the world.



The Masai Tribe

The Masai Rich History and Culture

The Masai Tribe

This is an in-depth guide to the Masai Culture and tribe. The Masai belong to the Nilotic ethnic group and are part of the 47 Kenyan tribes. They migrated to East Africa following the River Nile and finally settled in Southern Kenya and Northern Tanzania along the Great Rift Valley. Mainly close to Kenya’s Game Parks like the Masai Mara, Amboseli National Park and Serengeti National Parks to name a few.

In Addition to this, the Masai are among the few African Tribes that have retained their heritage and culture since colonial times.

Since the Masai tribe consists of pastoralists, they are famed for their large herds of cattle, their diet of blood and raw meat and needless to say their unique houses, the manyatta (houses built with cow-dung).

The Masai are clan-based and rely on a council of elders to make decisions and settle disputes within the community.

masai tribesmen
Masai men in the village

  Masai Culture & Manyatta

You should note that their culture is very patriarchal, with men having all the right to make decisions on behalf of the clan. The Masai estimate their wealth in the number of cattle one has in his household, the more the cattle the richer you are.

When it comes to marriage, men have the right to marry any woman/ girl they prefer. The man discusses the bride price with the girl’s father and as soon as it is paid off the wedding ceremony is initiated. Bride price is paid in form of cattle and gifts.

Recently Kenyan authorities alongside international NGOs have come out against the Masai culture of marrying off very young girls, as young as 13 years old. This has made the Maasai tribe to change their marriage traditions.

Moreover, the Masai practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) also came under a lot of backlash, with American celebrities like Angelina Jolie helped create a huge awareness campaign against the practice.

While the young Masai men underwent circumcision as their passage to adulthood. After which they were given the right to own their own manyatta and later on marry.

            Masai Cultural Dances & Music

The famous Masai cultural dances and traditional music is a very vital point in preserving their culture from their rich ancestry.

The music and dances are performed during the following periods:

  • Marriage ceremonies
  • Wedding proposals and paying of bride price
  • Visits from tourists/ new guests into the Masai villages
  • During circumcision ceremonies

It is a well known fact that the Masai culture has helped shape the identity of Kenya and Tanzania. They are an integral part of Kenya’s tourism industry, by the promotion of their rich heritage and strong culture, the tourism impact in Kenya’s and Tanzania’s GDP has peaked thanks to the Masai.

Choosing to travel with us, you will get to witness the true wealth of the Masai culture.

Recommended Safari Packages:

We recommend the following tour packages so as to get a good chance of seeing the Masai tribesmen and experience their cultures:

For safari customization, feel free to contact us. We are more than willing to be at your service. All about the Masai Culture and tribe. 

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